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Prepositions of direction show us to where or in which direction something moves.


Here are some of the most common:










The first one is the most common one which is preposition "to".

  • It is normally used with a verb showing movement and shows the result of the movement--

the place or person that the movement was toward or in the direction of.

  • The preposition toward has a similar meaning, but it's not exactly the same: with toward, the direction of the movement is shown, but not the result.


A <====== to ====== B
(B arrived at A)

A <==== toward ==== B
(B is on the way to A)

A ====== to ======> B
(A arrived at B)

A ==== toward ====> B
(A is on the way to B)



  • Jamil walks to work every day.

  • When I saw Jamil, he was walking toward his office.

  • They'll drive to San Francisco during the weekend.

  • They started driving toward San Francisco Friday afternoon, but they didn't arrive there until Saturday.

  • Yesterday Billy rode his bicycle to the park.

  • When Billy was riding his bicycle toward the park, he stopped at Joey's house.




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