How do human beings learn? Are there certain basic principles of learning that apply to all learning acts? Is one theory of learning...
How psychologists define learning?
•Behavioral viewpoint(Pavlov and Skinner) •Cognitive (Ausubel) •Constructivist school of thought (Rogers)
Pavlov’s Classical Behaviorism
Certainly the best-known classical behaviorist is the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov, who at the turn of the century conducted a series...
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
According to Skinner, the classical conditioning of Pavlov was a highly specialized form of learning utilized mainly by animals and...
David Ausubel contended that learning takes place in the human organism through a meaningful process of relating new events or items to...
Carl Rogers is not traditionally thought of as a "learning" psychologist, yet he and his colleagues and followers have had a significant...
Types of learning
American educational psychologist, Robert Mills Gagné, in 1956, suggested a system of analyzing different conditions or level of learning...
Transfer, Interference, and overgeneralization
It is a general term describing the carryover of previous performance or knowledge to subsequent learning There are two types of transfer...
Inductive and deductive reasoning
They are the polar aspects of the generalization process Second language learning in the “field” (natural, untutored language learning)...
Language Aptitude
Aptitude means “ a natural ability to do something” A lot of questions have been raised regarding a person’s ability to grasp languages....